White wedding dresses are rife with symbolism: purity, virginity, what have you. Clearly today these symbols are less relevant in our society, nevertheless the white dress persists! Why? Is it that brides tend to glow in white? Is it that guests assume the bride will wear white therefore no other woman will wear it, rendering the bride a visible beacon amongst her guests? Maybe it's because many weddings tend to be in the summer and white looks so nice outdoors in the sunlight. Below is a classic
white wedding dress complete with romantic pickups and a bubble hem.

Whatever the reason, the vast majority of wedding dresses are still in shades of white and ivory. Some more intrepid brides have chosen other colors, such as a
gold or champagne wedding dress (pictured below) or even pink!

Whatever your choice, make sure you don't compromise your fabric for the color you want. The fabric of your dress is incredibly important and needs to "stand on it's own". Don't be afraid to ask for a fabric sample just to be really sure this is what you want. This goes for a white dress too! Happy shopping!